Food Shabbos

Food Shabbos

There is a beautiful Jewish organization called Tomchei Shabbos that I had the privilege to volunteer for. This non profit quietly and respectfully delivers a box of sabbath making essentials each week, to an unfortunate growing list of needy recipients in the Jewish community. Anonymous volunteers pack the boxes in a warehouse on Tuesday, then on Wednesday another group of volunteers delivers the boxes secretly to the homes in need.

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Mother Nature

Mother Nature

We are real nature and animal enthusiasts in our home. Dream trip; African Safari. Almost nothing affirms my belief in God more than the wonders of nature. I wholeheartedly believe in the premise of the Broadway show "Wicked", in which humans and animals originally had the ability to fully communicate with one another. Then the world got effed up and that ability was lost over time. Things got diluted.

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Good Morning Life

Good Morning Life

Every morning there is a quick prayer I say with my kids. I'm well aware how grossly self-righteous that sounds, but it's true. On the drive to school we say both the Hebrew and English versions. In Hebrew it's "Modeh Ani..." which basically translates into expressing our utmost gratitude to God for returning our bodies to our souls, thus granting us life for one more day.

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