Edge & Flow

I fell in love with the whole pretty dress, roughed up boots look in the 90’s. I was in high school (a dreadful ultra orthodox nunnery) from ‘92 to ‘96 so the fashion at that time imprinted hard. Grunge style and heroin chic (a gross term) were predominant alongside the amazing Seattle rock scene. It somehow became acceptable to wear something feminine as long as there was a beat up element to it. Like if Winona Ryder and Claire Danes could wear this then so could I. That’s often how the teenage mind works; we aim to get closer to our favorite stars by emulating their style. There were no iPhones, no tik tok, and no social media. I got all my fashion inspo from stacks of actual magazines and MTV. The 90’s gave us some great looks while others should probably stay in yesteryear. The pretty, flowy dress with motorcycle boots is a look I love to this day. It’s also a great outfit in more modest spaces; since this is a boob dress I’ll put a cute sweater over it to make it appropriate for synagogue. A dress like this is year round, I just add tights or fishnets during colder months. I have had these Jimmy Choo boots for maybe 15 years and they only get better with time. The more “experienced” they get the cooler they are. Like Winona and Claire.