
This song combines two of my greatest loves; Eminem and the movie Dirty Dancing. Seemingly an unlikely combo, but anything is possible in the hands of Em, especially when Johnny Castle is the on sight dance instructor. As will all Eminem songs, from the first bar, it's go time. This one is one of my favorites. Marshal gets me excited from the first second. My whole body reacts and feels alert. He often uses violins, as he does here, and the juxtaposition of that sound with his cadence, lyrics, and delivery makes for the most intoxicating combination. For years now I have envisioned what it would be like for me to play the violin, and to play it as a rock/rap violinist. Miri Ben Ari, who used to play on the Jewish wedding circuit, has the coolest career ever. She's played the violin with Jay Z and has accompanied some of the most world famous rap and rock stars. It seems like the greatest job in the world. I have never played any instrument, and that kills me. But when I hear this song, I instantly conjure up that image of myself. That's what Eminem does for me; it makes me imagine the insurmountable. Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Not even herself.

Just like I know every word to this song, I know every single word to the film Dirty Dancing. Every. Single. Word. I think this topic requires a post by itself, but I'll leave you with my favorite line in the movie. Mr Kellerman is showing Dr Hausman around the dining room at the resort (Grossingers' anyone??). Bursting with pride, he takes a Danish from a table and says with utter conviction, "You see this danish; it's pure protein." Mic drop. Lady B cannot top that. I don't think Eminem can either...

listen to baby by eminem