Timeless Wisdom

Last week I made a list of advice I don’t want to wait to follow. So often we only heed and give advice at the end of our lives. Why wait?? This week my senior friends and I at the nursing home (where I serve as a chaplain intern) discussed this idea. I grabbed the precious opportunity to collect advice from them. We are going to put it on a poster and hang it up. As is life, our list is a work in progress. The seniors loved this concept and were engaged participants. It was wonderful to watch them  tap into their own treasure troves of inner knowledge. We all know way more than we give ourselves credit for! This is one of the most miraculous parts of spiritual friendship; we help and support each other on life’s path of endless learning. No one has all the answers but everyone has all the questions. Sharing and receiving pearls of wisdom is an essential act of grace and generosity. We so often give shitty, arrogant, unsolicited advice. Why not offer that which truly has value?
Here is the list the seniors have complied thus far:

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
*in Buddhism this is known as right speech. Weighing our words, the purpose of them, the value they contribute or don’t, are they coming from ego or spirit. Right speech is extremely effective and karmically sound. Each word and action plants a seed for nourishment or separation.

Pick up litter, even if it’s not ours. None of us want garbage tossed on us like we don’t matter. The earth has feelings and does everything for us.

The golden rule: treat others as we want to be treated. So obvious yet so often ignored!

Be kind to your neighbor. Kindness goes such a long way, even in the smallest gestures. It shows people they matter.

Remember the oppressed: creatures, animals, human beings. We can’t save or help everyone, even most beings. But we must think about them, be aware of their suffering, and send them healing in the ways we can. We are all interconnected. Prayers and energy travel.

Treat your body as your friend. It’s the home for the soul.

Honor your parents and ancestors. We wouldn’t be here without them.

Life is to be enjoyed not endured (this was a favorite!)

Choose and chase joy. Even when it’s hard. Even in seemingly small ways.

Work on releasing grudges. Forgive ourselves when it doesn’t feel possible. Even the intention to do so is a loosening in the hard knot of a grudge.

Be Here Now. We only live right now in this moment. It’s always Now o’clock.

Allow life to surprise us. Don’t give up on miracles.

I’m so grateful to spend time regularly with my friends in this senior community. My time with them will soon be coming to a close. It’s been a beautiful 2 years serving in this space, and my advice to myself is to take what I have learned from them and integrate it, pay it forward, and apply it. Take it from the older generations; they have invaluable lived experience.