Vegan Leather Jackets

Full disclosure: while cutting out meat and chicken (98% of the time) and fish (75% of the time) is a more obvious move for me, I have to extra remember to not buy clothing and accessories in leather. I am working on being a more conscious shopper, and there are so many amazing vegan leather options that are available. It’s incredible how cruelty free leather has firmly planted a vegan stake (steak, get it?) in the fashion industry. It’s such a wonderful development that keeps improving. Not that aesthetics should override kindness, but it does make it easier to make this switch from real leather to faux, now that the vegan clothing looks just as good as the real deal. Here are some of my fave guilt free leather jacket options. I’ll soon do a post about shoes, belts, and purses. I love seeing the fashion industry tweak and adapt to environmental needs and changes. This is a great way I can do my small part in caring for our animal friends. Each vegan leather item of clothing or accessory that I purchase reminds me of what’s most important; caring for one another.