Style on Deck

As a DJ who exists in various spaces, one of them being style, I always dress in a way that will vibe with the gig. Some clients specifically care about this while it doesn’t occur to others at all. Regardless of whether or not there’s a request for me to dress a certain way, out of respect for the gig, the client, and what the event aims to achieve, I see my outfit as a part of the aesthetic. This is a fun detail that I enjoy giving thought to, whether it’s going all out 80’s for a themed birthday party, classy and feminine for a women’s conference, plaid and leather for a punk/metal event, bright red to match the car themed decor for a child’s party, shimmer as seen here, or cool details like safety pins covering my pants. It’s part of my offering as a DJ to look stylish, fun, appropriate, and glamorous. Yes, I’m there primarily to deliver a great musical set, but any event is a full sensory experience and the visuals matter. I love being in the service industry, and as a detail oriented person it’s natural for me to consider the aesthetics. Since my bottom is mostly unseen, I’ll always make sure the top half of me is serving, including makeup. I almost always wear sparky eyeshadow in colors I normally wouldn’t wear so as to amp up the visible factors. It doesn’t matter if no one is paying attention, that’s not my goal. I see my role as one providing entertainment and how I present myself is an extension of that. My clients will always get the full Lady Blaga experience. It matters how I show up in life, especially if someone is counting on me to set the tone.