Set List

Things I’ve learned on the DJ journey:

DJing is a living, breathing skill set. It evolves and changes as I do.

As with all else, if my breathing is caught and not flowing, I’ll contract and mess up my drop. When my physical body is in tune, the music will be in tune. It’s amazing; everything in my life is only as smooth and fluid (or choppy and stuck) as my breathing.

I’m a courageous badass AND I still get afraid and nervous. Fear and nerves don’t detract from my bravery. I feel it, allow it, and make space for it to be there until it’s ready to float away. Which it will.

Joy is essential. For me, that must include music, rhythm, and dance. Joy isn’t a luxury or frivolity. It’s a need.

Playing music for others is part of my unique dharmic expression. It’s a way in which I harness my own joy so I can share that with others.

Watch the staff’s response to my set. They are working hard and hearing all the DJ’s in the venue. If they’re grooving to my music then that’s a great sign.

Plan but be flexible. The present needs of the crowd trumps my planned set. However, coming prepared is crucial. Great life lesson: prepare and be able to go with the flow.

The pandemic was a reminder in how vital nightlife and live music are. Getting together for drinks, dancing, and socializing are indeed important. We are pack animals who crave socialization. Always thank the DJ for setting the tone for a night out.

It’s ok to decline a request (another life lesson).

As much as I know, there’s way more to learn and further to go. Honoring where I’m at now as well as being open to future learnings and growth (hi, life).

That potato chips taste best after a gig.

That it’s way more than just the music. It’s a giving and receiving of energy.

That mistakes happen. Do not dwell, get out fast to reset. Be aware, learn for next time, and keep playing. Just keep going and do better (huge life lesson).

That as long as the crowd is happy, that means I’m doing my job regardless of errors.

No one is paying as much attention to my mistakes as I am. No one.

Your timeline is yours. It’s never too early or too late to learn something new and incorporate it into your life. I know DJ instructors who have students in their 80’s.

That dreams are meant to be realized.

That my ability to surprise myself is mystical and magical.

That if I’m lit up by something, I must pay close attention and use that feeling as a major sign to explore further.

We are only as limited or unlimited as the stories we tell ourselves.