Dogs on Parade!

My girls went to the 32nd annual Halloween Dog Parade at Tompkins Square Park this weekend. There is literally nothing I could be wearing right now that’s more entertaining than this, so I had to share these fabulous pics that my daughter took for this week’s Style. I love everything about this for all the obvious reasons. The creativity, hilarity, tremendous dedication towards joy and, and the commitment to having wholesome fun when there’s so much heaviness in the atmosphere. I’m in awe of the time, creativity, and effort that went into creating these adorable costumes. How wonderful to use our pets as a reason to be playful, proud, and celebratory. It’s so terrific that this has been going on for 32 years in downtown NYC, and I love that my girls and their friends made plans to attend. This to me is classic New York; whimsical, fun, expressive, and being all in. I especially love when the pet parents also dress up so it’s all on theme (check out that Game of Thrones concept below!). I’m nuts about the 2 train conductors, like I can’t even. The specialty vehicles that were created were fabulous, and I looked on Instagram for more pics cuz I couldn’t get enough. What a wonderful use of energy and positivity. This is the stuff of life.

**this post is in memory of Max, Roxy, Pippa, and Chumley