Today Is A Good Day To….

Unapologetically set boundaries, even if it’s hard.

Eat something you really enjoy.

Walk barefoot on any natural surface (grass, stone, dirt, stand in water).

Dance with abandon in your closet.

Reconnect with someone who has been on your mind.

Apologize to a loved one. Modeling apologies to our kids is vital for so many reasons.

Download that song you’ve been loving on the radio.

Begin therapy.

Sit and breathe for five minutes.

Get or give a massage.

Bake something.

Photograph or sketch anything in nature.

Be silly.

Think of five things you love/like/appreciate about yourself.

Slowly sip your tea, coffee, or smoothie. Being mindful and slow with our daily rituals is an important presence practice.

Keep your lymphatic drainage system working, in order to keep things flowing to eliminate toxins. I do this with yoga, dry brushing my skin, self oil massage, and Ga Shua facial massage.

Organize that closet or drawer. How we care for our space matters. Again, mindfulness is a practice that spills over.

Express verbal appreciation to our families, friends, co workers, employees.

Find a support group.

Not berate yourself.

Lay in the sun, even for a few minutes.

Bring flowers or something to an elderly neighbor. Everyone wins in an act of genuine kindness.

Listen to a talk, podcast, or E book that will benefit you. Doing things purely for enjoyment is extremely beneficial.

Admit out loud you need support.

Investigate the negative beliefs you hold about yourself. It’s the only way to clear them out. It takes time and possibly a village, but it’s the only way to free yourself from what lurks be beneath that surface we all carefully construct. It’s ok to be afraid of the discomfort. Choose bravery over familiarity.

Pick seasonal fruit at a farm.

Play the cloud game with your kids (what shapes the clouds look like).

Do something fun you liked as a kid. Play is a vitamin.

Take vitamins. I take a lot daily and it’s an essential part of my self care routine.

Think about what you really want for your life, and manifest that. Imagine it, create what it looks like in your mind. Feel it. Pinterest boards are a fun tool for this. Anything you can imagine means it’s a possibility (I mean, unless you’re imagining becoming a unicorn or Jeff Bazos’s penis rocket).

Take a class, virtually or in person, on that topic you’ve been wanting to explore. We are blessed to now have infinite access to virtual education. Make time for what matters to you. No one needs to approve or get it. No one.

Book a hair color/cut appointment.

Have a good day.
A good day doesn’t mean it’s 24 hours of blissful perfection. That’s an illusion that will lead to disappointment and possible feelings of failure. A good day looks like being at one with whatever the moment/hour/brings. To embrace your sadness is good. To acknowledge your healthy feelings of anger is good. To admit you were wrong feels amazing. Our dark parts need attention, and to welcome them into our day is good, healthy, and necessary. They get stronger when ignored. They belong here because they have a lot to teach, and they will stay until they do.

Not lie to yourself. About anything. Denial solves nothing. Shame solves nothing. We begin to release only with radical honesty. Start slow.

Remind yourself of your worth. Over and over again.

Not kick yourself for lapsing in knowing your worth.

Start to truly ask yourself what a good day looks and feels like to you. What can you add to your ever changing, personal list?

Allow each day to be different, even if it may appear the same.
