7 Steps to Create What You Desire ❖ Lorie Ladd - YouTube

To all you powerful creators out there; I wanted to share this video. I love Lori Ladd. She’s a spiritual guide and teacher that I listen to daily. Her wisdom and guidance lifts me up, soothes me, and encourages me when I’m in need of being reminded that there is so much more to me, and to life, than my mind will have me believe. Lori has been a very crucial part of my constant evolution. Never doubt that you are a multidimensional being with limitless potential. You can have and be whatever you want. All we desire in life is achievable, and it starts with creating from a space of knowing how much power and love we hold. It’s such a challenge to stay open, which is the energy that allows for receptivity and creation, but we can do it. When life, thoughts, drama, and unsupportive dynamics try to taunt us back into a safe, predictable mental cave, fight to reset your vibration and return to leaning into the life you wish to create. Never settle, you are worthy of wonderful things. It all begins with Now.