For the Men

Men, you are more than;
Your income
Your hairline
Your belly
Your status
Your car
Your ability to run or cycle
Your college degree
Your height
Your stock portfolio
Your next promotion
Your social connections
Your Starwood points
Your Amex points
Your custom suits
Your pool plans
Your travel plans
Your wife’s appearance
Your appearance
Your children’s appearance
Your house’s appearance
Your golf club membership
Your club floor hotel room
Your front row seats
Your suite

Speaking heteronormatively, I truly feel for men. They are under insane, unreasonable pressure in a society that asks before any other question, “so what do you do for a living?” There is so much talk about how hard women have it, and we do in so many ways. But men do as well. Some of these pressures overlap and some don’t. The point is, it’s really sad for all of us to be sized up so externally. It’s crucial for our own relationships and friendships to remember what lies underneath all our superficial, descriptive lists. Men go through depression and mid life crises just as much as women do. So many of us just reach a point where the heavy focus on what’s outside of us is too sad, frustrating, and unhealthy. Deep appreciation for the men in our lives, not for what they provide but for who they actually are, is so important. Men are just as sensitive as women, though they show it differently (or not at all). For us to assume they aren’t is damaging. Everyone craves feeling deeply appreciated. How can we broaden our incredible female sensitivity to include the males in our lives? No one wants to get lost in a list.