Spring Skirting


So into this flirty skirt sweater combo as a transitional look. Shot mid April while it was crazy cold, this look was both cozy, practical, and seasonally appropriate. The chunky, cream colored knit sweater worked because it’s not a heavy wool. That would have felt out of place in April, even if it was 39 degrees that day. The length of the sweater is also what made it work with this sweet skirt. It hit right so it didn’t overwhelm the skirt, the key Spring piece. The flowy aspect of the skirt balanced the warmer sweater affect, as did the straw Spring boots that I’ve had forever. The floral skirt paired with this handmade ceramic heart shaped necklace, made for a real Spring vibe. Pretty, feminine details for the win. I was able to keep warm while mentally embracing the shift in seasons. It’s essential we stay internally cozy as we navigate change.
