I Note Growth When...

I respond instead of react

I pause before knee jerk engaging

I no longer feel the need to reach out, or feel a tug to do so yet don’t, knowing it’s an outdated inclination that’s left over from old stories

I lessen my judgement or note when I’m judging, which makes said judgement easier to send away

I can find an opening of compassion for those who have wronged me

I stick to my choices to keep those people at arm’s length, while practicing safe forgiveness

I can feel dislike towards someone or something, yet fully know we stand on equal ground as humans of value

Don’t need gossip to connect

Don’t need social media scrolling to fill time

Honor my commitments to myself even when I don’t feel like it

I am able to admit when I have caused another harm, and apologize

I manage my time in a way that aligns with the life I’m creating

I calmly trust in the timing and pacing of the Universe

I understand that all the pain and hardships that have brought me to the present moment were all part of the plan

I tap into inner wisdom or inner joy, with no need for external stimuli

I set an important boundary even when it’s terrifying. I do this because my needs matter

Not getting a certain text or call doesn’t affect my mood or vibration. I am always whole and complete

I can get myself out of the trap of comparison when I fall into it (often)

I see all that’s occurring as part of my tailored curriculum for evolution

I can welcome another perspective

I can manage my preferences

I return to sovereignty and remind myself to act from that space

I give without any transactional incentive

I am not interested in anyone’s behavior but my own

I feel less overwhelmed and calmly deal with the demands of the present without freaking out

I smile when seeing couples being loving and affectionate, instead of my former envious skepticism and resentment

I rest in the present moment, not needing anything to be different

I fully accept others for where they are at

I fully accept myself for where I am at

I love the Now while manifesting the future

I can quiet my mind, saying, “no thank you, not now” to my thoughts

I am ok with making mistakes

I genuinely forgive myself

I can recall old times and clearly chart all my changes, noting decisions I’d make very differently now

I don’t betray myself in order to gain outside approval

I don’t need to explain myself

I am ok not knowing

I feel more open minded and not threatened by different opinions

I speak with calm transparency, not twisting the truth to avoid unpleasantness

I refuse to accept less than I deserve

I can write something like this