Throw Me a Bone

Having been cooped up the past couple weeks as a result of the Rona (thank god I’m ok), there were few things in my room that made me feel like an actual person. It’s amazing what we appreciate and notice when so much else is stripped away. One such item was this lovely Serena and Lily throw blanket that I’ve had for ten years. I have a couch in my room under a large window, and sitting there during the day helped me maintain some order and humanity during this crazy time of quarantine. I have always loved a good throw. Having moved many times, I can truly say that until the pictures are hung on the walls and the decorative blankets and pillows are properly in place, a space doesn’t feel like home to me. Sumptuous home decor details make me feel at one with a room, and it’s often the most practical ones that achieve this; the right picture frame, vase, magazine rack, or blanket. I get great finds at Target and Home Goods. We have stacks of throws in almost every room of our house, representing warmth, hospitality, and comfort. I want my space to feel equal parts cozy and beautiful, and I love selecting throws that compliment the vibe in a room. Color and texture matter, as does having a variety of weights to suit different seasons. Cozying up under a lovely blanket with some tea while watching the snow fall, truly brought me moments of contentment during lockdown.