Eckhart Tolle

Here are some of my favorite quotes from world renowned spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle. His teachings have profoundly changed my life. When my particular pain body, which is fear, would furiously rush to the surface while I was going through another round of The Dark Night of the Soul, I’d lie awake at night, shaking, and just put on his talks and meditations. “Just lie there and listen”, I’d tell myself. I learned about the pain body and Dark Night from him, and his explanations about my experiences, things I didn’t have the wherewithal or language to understand, started to make sense to me. He helped me understand what felt like an internal nervous breakdown because it indeed was my old system beginning to break down (a gift!). I first learned about the concept of presence from him, and presence is a medicinal and vital practice in leading an emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally healthy life. I heard him speak two years ago in Miami. I flew to see him and I cried as he took the stage. I have spent the past several years relying on Eckhart to remind me of my essence, and to teach me tools to anchor myself. Whenever I’m feeling off, unsettled, or unmoored I listen to his teachings and am instantly soothed. I was supposed to have gone on a retreat to India with him this past January, but alas, covid. Presence is truly a balm for the soul. I’m so much less reactive and rigid, flowing with the rhythms of life with greatly increased ease and faith. If you’re not familiar with Eckhart Tolle, I hope this little post helped if you’re searching for...
As always it’s my privilege to share parts of my journey with you that can hopefully be of service or support. We are all struggling, stumbling, then getting back up. We don’t, and can’t, do it alone. These teachers and masters are here to grab our hands and help us. Seeking them out has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself.
