How to Train Your Mind Away from Anxiety — Ten Percent Happier

I recently had to read Unwinding Anxiety by Dr. Jud Brewer for my CPE class. I believe all human beings on earth should be made to read this book. I feel this way about other books in my chaplaincy curriculum, and I’ll be sharing those as well in the future. This book is incredibly helpful in doing exactly what it teaches. I don’t know a single person that doesn’t need help with this, and I’m learning more and more that there are many tools available to do this. Anxiety is not a life sentence, a personality, or a tar pit from which we can’t get unstuck. We are not our minds or nervous systems. We are much more than those things; we HAVE them but we are not them. This book also has an app of the same name that offers a wealth of grounding ways to help us unwind our anxiety. It’s our responsibility to learn how to manage our shit, so that we can get out of our own ways and habits that prevent us from being in relationship with the world and our loved ones. I hope you read this article, find it helpful, and perhaps be intrigued enough to buy the book and check out the app. To discover an existence in which we drive the mental bus instead of being trapped on it as it careens off a cliff, is revelatory and liberating.