Medicine Woman

I have a medicine woman. Her name is Elaine Ziner, and by the grace of God, we live in the same neighborhood. She is one of the most important members of my soul tribe. We came together energetically 2 and a half years ago, at a meeting that was life altering. I’ve referenced her before, most often as my reiki/energy healer. The work she and I have done together has completely changed my lives (yes, lives). She sees into my soul in the most shockingly honest way, and she has taught me things about myself, and about what I really am, that have catapulted me into evolution after evolution. Each time I shed another layer of skin, she’s been by my side, and not necessarily physically. Anyone I have sent to see her has emerged from their meeting completely dumbfounded, yet so relieved and deeply understood. She does not work in 3D, and so she sees into her client’s universe in ways they can’t yet. I have discussed dreams and visions with her that have been mine alone, yet when we compare notes, she has seen the same things.  I once had a very specific vision involving a zen teacher of mine, and in one session, Elaine recounted the exact same scenario, though I’d never told her about it. She has helped me purge lifetimes of familial persecution, and all the fear that comes attached to that. We have worked with anger stemming from old family wounding that I’ve been living with and need help releasing. It’s impossible to not get infected when you are born into a poisonous environment. I have a session with her tomorrow, since the recent death of a family member cracked open a silo of anger and frustration. This feels terrible, but it’s a gift. We can only skim what rises to the surface. Elaine has been a touchstone of mine, and I honestly can’t put into words what she’s helped me learn, face, cleanse, and accomplish. She gives each of her clients all of her knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. During covid I even did zoom sessions as needed. It’s taken me awhile to feel comfortable writing about her, since our relationship is so scared and precious. But I wanted to share this information with you, as I always like to share healing techniques and practices. What I know, you’re welcome to know. I promise you, you’re not alone. Whatever battles you are fighting, you can find your people who become your refuge. The one person in my family who I had a soul bond with is now gone (in human form). I feel very alone. I am related to a lot of people, but don’t feel like I have any family in the traditional sense. Family, for me, has very little to do with blood and genes. My tendency to go into emotional isolation can be dangerously quick. When I feel that something is energetically threatening to me or my children, I bolt. I was not protected as a child, and I’m a fiercely proud lioness of a mother. One of the greatest gifts Elaine has given me has been safety and inner sovereignty, and those have been quarantine themes of mine since March. Interestingly enough, she started her Sovereign Mastery podcast on Spotify during lockdown as well. It’s wonderfully wise and grounding. I encourage you to listen and bathe in her perspective. We are so much more than we understand, and it takes a spiritual lens such as Lainie’s to show us that. I often get asked what I’ve used to grow so much. I have a big toolkit at this point, and I’m an active collector and huntress for this kind of information. Elaine is hands down one of my biggest catalysts for change and growth. She is available to you, and will teach you how your magic can become available to yourself. I read this old Native American poem today, and was stopped in my tracks. It may as well have been written about her.

Love you, my Sister.

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