Spread Love Not Germs


I feel most beautiful in a natural state of giving. Giving love, giving birth, giving food, giving support, and giving musically or creatively. Since giving is our nature, when we do it, something within the innermost part of us clicks, connects, and lights up. That’s why giving is also seen as a selfish act; it feels really good when it’s done purely and with true intentions. It feels right. This past week I was given the opportunity to give on a mass level, through an event Lady Blaga hosted called Eats&Beats. This was entirely a grass roots effort that began just a month ago, with the intention to give love, support, and nourishment to the brave front liners fighting the war on COVID19. Our tag line was “spread love not germs”, which was printed onto thousands of masks generously donated by Swag.com. Being safe, thereby being considerate of others as well as yourself, is in fashion now more than ever. I felt beautiful putting this event together with my manager, Tzvia, and I was completely lit from within while DJing virtually for 15 hospitals in 5 states cross country. Giving with zero expectations for receiving is the most beautiful kind. All of our hard work and sleepless nights led to the most radiant hour and a half I’ve had during this devastating pandemic. Challenges great and small are an unavoidable part of life. The key isn’t to dodge them since they will always be flying at us in some capacity. But when we can stay open and keep spreading love during trying times of turbulence, we are reminded of the ever present beauty of life. The sun is always here, even on the darkest of days.
