Bridal Wave

Girls love weddings. Girls also love planning said weddings. The female species has been fantasizing about their Big Day ever since Eve told Adam, “Listen, Asshole. If you don’t put the band and smorgasbord exactly where I told you to in the Garden of Eden, that snake will be the least of your problems.” The Bridezilla is a curious creature indeed.

I was blessed to have had one beautiful wedding already. It was an enormous, expensive, circus like affair that suited a 20 year old Princess Bride. It would not work for me today. That’s cool, needs and desires change constantly. I have pretty specific ideas about how I want my second situation to be. Thinking about them makes me happy. And when we match our current vibration to sync with future feelings, we bring ourselves that much closer to that scenario. Sometimes for fun, when I lapse into unconscious scrolling girl mode, I’ll research boho chic bride’s dresses for fun. Play with me; out of the dresses seen here, which can you see me in?
