Zooming In


 Times be craazzzyyyyy right now. No one knows wtf is going on. We are all doing our best at adjust, adapt, stay sane, and be healthy. The whole world seemed to change overnight, including how business is conducted. As we all know, Zoom meetings have taken over in full force. And though working from home can very quickly come to mean pajamas and old sweats, it’s still important to come correct in a business setting. With so many currently out of work, I feel extra grateful to still have meetings, projects, and prospects going on. Zoom doesn’t have to mean shlumpy, in fact I bet it will make you feel better to put yourself together. Those you are meeting with will probably really appreciate it too. It sets the tone that business still matters, and that despite physical distance, meeting members can still come together professionally. From the top that is. While I recommend looking good on top, take whatever liberties you want on bottom. What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right? You also don’t want to go too overboard since you are on lockdown. Authenticity is always key. It’s easier to connect with whomever when that factor is present. For this Zoom meeting I wore multipurpose black lounge pants, a button down, statement necklace that’s on the shorter side so it’s visible, top knot, and natural makeup. Any button down with an open collar and rolled up sleeves looks cool but chic. This is the perfect time to bust out that statement necklace you thought you’d never wear. Statement earrings would work well too, even a bold bracelet. Focus on what’s visible on the screen. Getting dressed for work immediately puts us in the right mindset. It also breaks up the day when life has suddenly become one big blur. Personally, any sense of structure or purpose now is good for my mental health. I obviously took these pics on my own at home, using the timer. They’re not perfect but they are real and honest:)
Wishing you all much health, peace, and happiness.
