Golden Girl💞🖤💞🖤


 I’m not going to lead with “Are you a Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, or Sophia?” since questions like that are asinine. But, if you’re wondering, I’m a Dorothy. There, now you can sleep at night.

There are a few 80’s TV shows that define my childhood. The Golden Girls is top 3. From the second that plane takes off into the sunset and someone is thanked for “being a friend”, I’m instantly transported back to Saturday nights in the navy and tan Formica entrenched den of my youth. Given that no one owned their own portable entertainment device back then, the family tv was the center of all activity. I actually miss those days when siblings sat and watched together. The separate shows in separate rooms thing is so depressing. If they’re going to watch hours of tv then at least let them bond over it.

My kids got me this rad sweatshirt for Mother’s Day several years ago. I love when they really know me like that, when they get the random details that make up my life, preferences, and interests. My oldest certainly understands my sense of humor. I believe she was the driving force behind this gift. It was super fun to take this shticky, fun present into a legitimately cute outfit. I liked the ironic contrast of the leather pants and cap to the large scale, neon sweatshirt adorned with the faces of my favorite 80’s ladies. You can’t be in a bad mood in this look. If you would be then I’d roll up a magazine, whack you over the head with it, and keep the cheesecake all to myself.
Thank you for being my friends 🖤🖤.
