Karate Kindness


If you’ve been seeing my stories, you may have caught me mentioning the adopt a senior program I joined for the holidays. I was able to do this through this beautifully inspiring Instagram account called Golden Age Karate. Jeff Wall, a 15 year old from Dayton, Ohio, volunteers his time teaching martial arts to senior citizens in several local nursing homes. I came upon his account about a year ago. Since then he’s been featured in the O Magazine (Oprah), on CNN, just to name a couple. I am continuously moved by this open hearted teenager who has made it his mission to keep local seniors active, strong, and occupied, all while having so much fun. His belief in what they can still achieve and learn has taught these precious members of our society that they’ve still got it! The videos Jeff posts of his students shows these seniors having so much fun, and taking pride in throwing a good punch or kick. The physical benefits are clearly so important, as well as the emotional and mental. When people believe in us, it really is it’s own kind of magic. It’s been so heartwarming, especially in this age where most teens are solely focused on Tik Tok and immediate consumerism, to see an adolescent so focused on giving back, as well as forging inter generational friendships. During the pandemic, Jeff continues to teach and spread his message of love and respect for elders, with masks and all the necessary safety precautions. It was clear he wasn’t going to let covid stop his students from enjoying their beloved lessons. He started an adopt a senior program on social media, thereby affording his followers the opportunity to adopt a senior and send them a gift and a note for the holidays. I was so excited to join, and was partnered with a gentleman. Every time we give purely, we open more and more. I was so moved by Jeff sharing this act of loving kindness with others. Every culture treats the elderly differently. Unfortunately in America, often times the elderly are generally not particularly regarded, and given the attention and respect they deserve. How inspiring to see one teenager take it upon himself to change that. It’s so painful for anyone in any stage of life to feel unseen, unimportant, and forgotten about. Raise your hand if you’ve never felt any of those things. The best gift, aside from a mug that says, “I’m retired and can do what I want”, is the gift of being shown we matter. I can’t think of a better Inspire post before Thanksgiving, than of our youth giving thanks and loving kindness to their elders.

This account represents the best of social media. Without Instagram, I’d never have known of this story or had the opportunity to participate in the senior adoption program. I wouldn’t have known Jeff existed, or the gentleman I was paired with. It’s the connection from the heart space that shows us how far and wide we can reach each other. We are being called upon, as a collective, to establish such reaching connections now more than ever. Time is time, whether or not we are in the midst of a mysterious pandemic. It’s what we do with our time that matters. I encourage you all to check out this wonderful young man’s Instagram account. At the very least, it will no doubt provide a much needed boost to the soul. There will always be kind, courageous individuals kicking and punching their way through the walls of life. Let’s learn from them. Let’s appreciate them. Let’s become them, together.

I give thanks to you, dear Readers, for visiting me here and for letting me know my thoughts and ideas matter.
