Let It Be, New York


New York dead? Fuggedaboutit!! I took these photos in front of one of my fave restaurants on the Upper West Side, The Smith. This was the last NYC restaurant I took pics at before lockdown. At that time, not a soul could have predicted the intensity and seriousness of the pandemic. I think back to that carefree day, when sitting inside and ordering a meal was a given, normal pleasure. Never in my life have I not been able to do this. Is that a luxury? Maybe. It certainly is now. I find it interesting, all the focus on the current state of Manhattan. It was even mentioned in the recent presidential debate, in a very negative, not encouraging way by Trump. I found it so disheartening to hear him say that he doesn’t know if our beloved city “would ever recover”. I’m sorry, but no leader should ever speak like that publicly. That kind of attitude serves no one. Now more than ever, we are being called upon to stay strong, positive when possible, and have faith in the unfolding of life. New York, like every other place on earth right now, is entitled to suffer and regroup. How could it possibly be the same, when nothing else is? It’s almost like NYC is the cool kid that everyone is trying to tear down, because it’s resilience and bad assery is too intimidating. Are there differences now? Of course. The current NYC leadership is a disaster. That too is temporary. I still love being in Manhattan, despite the differences. If 9/11 taught us anything, it’s that we can overcome the seemingly insurmountable. I’ll never forget Sir Paul McCartney singing “Let It Be” at the 9/11 first responders concert. Let it be. Give New York a chance.  Let her breathe and adapt, like you’re hopefully doing with your own lives. Love her through her transitions, as she has been there for you during yours. It will take a lot more than Corona to destroy the greatest city in the world. The cover might look different, but the story is the same.

We. Do. Not. Give. Up. Ever.