the dap queen

The first time I heard of the late, great Sharon Jones, it was while watching Michael Buble' perform as the musical guest on SNL. This was a few years ago, and I recall Michael introducing her with such reverence and excitement. He was the featured musical act, but was clearly so humbled and thrilled to share the stage with Ms. Jones. Before she even opened her mouth, it was clear as to why. Her presence was electric. She embodied soul, swag, funk, and feeling. When she began to belt, I mean... I felt so lucky that I happened to catch that performance. This was a woman I needed to know about. Her transmittance of the music was palpable. Sometimes artists feel like messengers. In this case, Sharon Jones was the message itself.

In researching her, I learned she worked with the soul funk band, the Dap Kings, who also backed Amy Winehouse. My feelings about Amy run deep, and it all felt very fused together knowing that the Dap Kings played their souls out with these two formidable, sensitive beasts. Ms. Jones proved 40 is fabulous, since that's when she released her first record. Perception of age is cultural, and unfortunately, here in America, as wonderful as this country is, youth is valued above all. 40 is usually associated with some sort of mid life crisis. Sharon Jones made 40 a mid life success. Sadly, that was not her mid point, since she died of cancer at the age of 60. During chemo, she performed bald, refusing to wear a wig. She was herself through and through, her boldness and spirit shining despite her circumstances. She did not crumble. She kept creating and giving.

Unfortunately, but such is life, I find myself attending more funerals. All the eulogies I hear are pretty much the same. This drives me crazy. We are all such uniquely complex individuals, how can it be possible that we are literally all the same on paper? I would feel ultimately so wasted if my own eulogy was interchangeable with others. And to those who think I wouldn't know the difference at that point, I don't agree. I think my soul will listen and will know exactly what's being said. And I hope I go out, albeit much later, like Sharon Jones. She squeezed the shit out of the last twenty years of her life, and left the world with the incredible gift of her music. No matter how long a person lives, the body is always temporary. So it's really the soul and spirit of a person that holds permanence. This lady made her mark like nobody's business. Take a lesson from how she lived, and how she died. "Do not go gentle into that good night. "